Petersburg Paralysis Injury Attorney for Victims in Virginia
Advocating for Paralyzed Individuals Across Virginia
Paralysis is a tragic situation that drastically alters the trajectory of a person’s life and can make even the most basic of human functions difficult, if not impossible. When this is brought on because someone else, either another person or an institution, acted negligently, then it’s only just that the guilty party compensate the victim for all that they have lost. An experienced Petersburg paralysis injury lawyer from our office can help secure the fair settlement that injured plaintiffs will depend on.
Cuthbert Law Offices has been serving people across Virginia since 1977. We know how to investigate, negotiate, and litigate a paralysis injury case. Call our office at (804) 485-2555 or reach out here online today to get started with our Petersburg paralysis injury attorney.
Understanding the Common Causes of Paralysis
Paralysis can result from various accidents and incidents, each with its own set of legal considerations. Some common causes may include:
- Automobile Accidents: Collisions on the road can lead to severe spinal cord injuries, causing paralysis.
- Slip and Fall Accidents: Property owners may be held responsible for unsafe conditions leading to slips and falls resulting in paralysis.
- Workplace Accidents: On-the-job injuries, especially in high-risk occupations, can cause paralysis due to accidents involving machinery, falls, or other hazards.
- Surgical Errors: Negligent surgical procedures can result in nerve damage or spinal cord injuries leading to paralysis.
- Misdiagnosis or Delayed Diagnosis: Failure to diagnose and treat conditions promptly can contribute to paralysis in some cases.
- Defective Products: Products such as faulty car parts, medical devices, or recreational equipment can cause accidents leading to paralysis.
- Assault and Violence: Criminal acts resulting in physical harm, such as shootings or stabbings, can cause paralysis.
- Sports and Recreational Injuries: Inadequate safety measures during sports or recreational activities can result in serious injuries leading to paralysis.
Exploring the Different Types of Paralysis
Paralysis is a condition that is defined broadly as the inability to make voluntary muscle movements. This comes in several different forms, all extremely surface, but with different impacts on the future life of the injured plaintiff.
The most serious form of paralysis is quadriplegia, where the person may be unable to move from the neck down. At the other end of the spectrum is what’s called localized paralysis, where one part of the body—not a limb--is unable to move. An example might be an injury that leaves a person unable to show facial expression.
Other possibilities include paraplegia, where a person may require a wheelchair to get around but is able to use their upper limbs and torso. Hemiplegia is the term used when injuries cause one side of the body to be paralyzed—for example, the right leg and arm are unable to function while the left side can. Monoplegia means that one limb cannot function. All of these are catastrophic situations for both the injured plaintiff, as well as their family. They will all call for substantial compensation.
Key Components of a Paralysis Injury Settlement
The fundamentals of any personal injury settlement are the same—compensation for medical care, lost wages, pain and suffering, rehab, and therapy. But the more severe the injury, the more complex adding up those fundamentals can be.
An example of paralysis cases might involve housing. It’s safe to assume that when people purchase a home or rent a place to live, they aren’t doing so with the idea that they may be unable to move around normally. The result is that the home may no longer be livable for them.
A part of the settlement, then, needs to include figuring out what has to be done to make the injured plaintiff’s home viable. Can rampways be installed in the place of stairs? What is the cost of doing this and then maintaining the new setup?
Or perhaps the home simply can’t be renovated in a way that will make it livable. Now, the settlement ought to include the costs associated with buying a new house—including some compensation for the inconvenience that usually comes with relocation.
Understanding the Statute of Limitations for Paralysis Claims in Virginia
In Virginia, the statute of limitations for paralysis claims is typically two years from the date of the incident. However, exceptions may apply, and the timeframe can differ based on the case's specific details.
It is crucial to consult with our Petersburg paralysis injury attorneys at Cuthbert Law Offices promptly after the incident to ensure that your claim is filed within the applicable timeframe. Failure to meet the statute of limitations could lead to the forfeiture of your right to pursue compensation